Saturday, May 28, 2011

The big shift

Halfway through sorting out the BOs (I hate suppliers who don't deliver, but that's another story for another day.) but decided a break will do my frazzled nerves some good. Sitting in the office is like getting into a black hole, you lose all sense of time. :(

Anyhowww I wanted to blog about the new office. Haha ok not so new now since we've been in here for a good 8 months or so. Oops, major lag I know! :( But yes! We were operating out of Yd's house for the longest time, and the stocks were engulfing her room. She lost half her room to stocks I think, haha. She has this platform in her room meant for a bed and it was totally consumed by stocks. Photoshoot sessions were becoming a horribly tiring event because we drag our entire wardrobe to shoots. :( If you haven't notice by now, we usually try not to repeat shoes in the same collection. This means we will end up dragging ten pairs or more to each shoot, and have gazillion accessories all over. Picture evidence:

There was once we had to vacate the studio asap due to another booking after us, and this was the mess we dragged out in a hurry. I don't know if you can see, but there's a full sized luggage plus numerous IKEA bags right at the back of the photo. 狼狈 ttm. :(

So one fine night, SK very excitedly told us Vel was letting go of her space, and you can say the rest was history. We got the place really quick, in about a month or less, and it was fabulously easy dealing with the lovely peeps at LB. Moving in day was on my birthday weekend, :( Hahaha but we were all like little kids mad excited to move in. Setting up was a headache (think studio lights and furnishings), but I am glad it all worked out in the end. So we went from this:

to this: 

This is only half the office, the other side's used for studio space, :)

Things are much better now, because we've a proper space to work from. Everything's alot more organized and the greatest part is, we no longer have to work from home. We also gained new office partners (heyyyy sarahhh!) so things are getting peachy and cozy. So if you would like to come say hi, just drop us an email! Hahaha!

Okkk here's the reward for reading through my out of the blue entry! A sneak preview! :D:D:D
This one is our first attempt at doing a cardigan, :) A very sweet embroidered cardigan that comes with sleeves and button front. Cost is sky high due to the workmanship though, :( So you have to tell me it's gorgeous no matter what!

Then we have the embroidered sundress we've been very excitedly waiting for, Yingdan kept the one in White, indecisive me is still contemplating!

The pretty dear comes in Pristine White, Daffodil Yellow, Midnight Blue and Dusty Pink, :) No sizes for this though, the waist portion is elastic to accomodate a range of sizes.
Close up of the pretty cross stitch details:

Excited yet? I hope so! :) Keep your eyes peeled for launch details! Till then, have a fabulous weekend!

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