Sunday, July 10, 2011

my weekend in photos: 

ridiculously luxe and comfy shrug of the moment, thanks to yinagoh, haha. 

breakfast at 6pm, i love hatched for all day breakfasts. 

adelphi for a lesson in music appreciation. say hi to my latest tech acquisition. 

you know you are in the land of geeks when the shop walls are bare except for zillions of headphones/earphones hanging around. shop was dead silent with everyone auditioning the pieces, D:

mad embarrassing conversation at the shop:

sales guy: bass or clarity? 
me: blur face :(
sales guy: ……or design?
he then proceeded to bring me headphones that were erm, more aesthetically pleasing and had fun smirking while i made the painful decision to buy a silver (and ugly) headset. 

freebie bear they gave me after surviving my first lesson. 

when the boy decides to barge in my camwhoring session. 

dim sum session at an unearthly hour. 

pink ballet pumps from eons ago that i finally dug out to match a cream shirtdress.

late for 15 mins and the boys wiped out the first round already, :( 

saying hello to my US peeps all over again.

this is how weekends should be like: long and lazy without a hint of brain activity.
recharged for the week ahead, it's hard to find positivity amidst the uncertainties but i think it will all work out in the end. on a random note, very glad the office calamity has been resolved. no more running out of the office at 10.30pm every night! (@SK @sarah @yingdan)

stay tuned for my next preview post! :)

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