Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pampered by L'Oreal Professional + Kimage Prestige

So a while ago we were sulky people at LilyPirates because of various personal/business reasons.
The number of times two of us went "OMG FML" in the past month, we totally lost count. :(

But you know what they say, what goes down must come up, and boy was I jiggly excited when we received an invitation to try out the new Mythic Oil Treatment Ritual! It was like candy for the crying child, hahaha. #happypills (My "The Secret" ritual must be working!)

The kind folks at L'Oreal Professional had the LP team head down for a session at Kimage Prestige. I first heard about the Mythic Oil range from a good friend, who told me she has tried umpteen hair styling products but her hair would usually become limp at the end of the day. She chanced upon the Mythic Oil and now swears by it. A bit kua zhang, but I was sincerely mad excited to try the treatment. Afterall, if the oil could do miracles, then what more the treatment right!

Truth be told, I was mildly embarrassed over the state of my hair before the session, because I am the laziest person alive when it comes to maintenance and my sad hair is usually a raging mess if I didn't blow dry the mop before stepping out of the house. :x I've had regular treatments since Dec last year to salvage my hair, but urps, I think I undo the goodness with my laziness every single time.

Dismal state of my dry brittle hair:

Rach also did a hair show previously, and the color session left her hair really brittle and dry. Happy kids waiting for their candy!

We were first given a hair analysis by the stylist and recommended treatments suited for our conditions. I was diagnosed with a slightly oily scalp and dry hair, so they recommended me the Mythic Absolute Treatment (there are three treatments in all, targeting various problems you might face). The treatment was aimed at purifying and detoxing (very important!) my scalp and improve the health of my locks.

Side story, you know how some hair stylists look at your hair and go tsk tsk and make you want to dig a hole and hide? No such nonsense at Kimage. All our stylists were mad friendly, and we really felt at home with the lovely treatment! Rachel kept saying it was so surreal because she insisted her stylist looked like Key (of Shinee fame) and it's like a K-pop star serving her. -_-'

And off we go! They first did a scalp treatment complete with a head massage (mad shiok please!) before applying the various made-to-measure concentrates for our hair. The goodness is sealed in with the machine to achieve healthy bouncy locks!

My miracle potion mix! Hehe!

Tadah!!! Happy Shiny People with Happy Shiny Hair!

It's been a week after the session, and our hair is definitely less brittle and alot more manageable! Yingdan had relatively healthy hair before the session, but now it's positively glowing with the continued use of the shampoo! #truestory

I am a firm believer in getting regular treatments for your tresses due to the large amounts of pollution and hair products we put our hair through daily and the Mythic Oil treatment ranks high in all my experiences, :) Definitely something I will go back and pay to do again, so that's saying something!

Huge thanks to the Kimage team (http://www.facebook.com/KimageGroup) & L'Oreal Professional (http://www.facebook.com/lorealprofessionnelsingapore) for the pampering session, we felt really loved! Omg can you see how our hair was so shiny after the treatment, it was reflecting light, lolol.

And here's a special giveaway for our lovely customers to spread the love!

L'Oreal Professional has kindly sponsored us 4 sets of the magical Mythic Oil Shampoo and Conditioner to be given away to lucky LP fangirls! Also, we will be giving away vouchers with every purchase from C126 so you can enjoy the same princess treatment at a fantastic price!

Simply hop over to our facebook page (http://facebook.com/lilypirates) to find out how to win them, :D

Ending with a picture of Yingdan in the ZARA inspired piece in dusty pink! ❤ 

Over and out, this is a good start to blogging more frequently! XOXO!

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