Thursday, April 21, 2011

A long ago weekend

I know we've been horribly lazy people, and missing out on blogging, :(
I've been attempting to catch up on the work after the trip but it seems like new things keep popping out of no where, and everything requires my attention all at once. Ahhh!

Anyhowwww, before I randomly took off to the land of dimsum awhile back, I dragged the boy to a breakfast place, just because I finally didn't have to work on a Sat (and actually woke up before the sun set).

So we braved the sunny outdoors, despite the blotchy faces and telling eye bags.

My favourite breakfast place is actually Choupinette off Bukit Timah, but I suspect the reason for my liking is more about me being sentimental than anything else. It's a wonderful place to chillax and just basically space out, but the food's not as fabulous as I would have preferred. That said, I had a lovely time burrowing in its comfort during the JC days, lol.

But yes, because the boy was looking for something abit more substantial, we headed off to Hatched instead!

Cutesy menu that I absolutely adore, it's a great perk me up to see this even before I see the food!

My favourite character on the left, I heart the bows!

And this seriously looks like SK
Right down to the hair and specs!

Him fervently downing the coffee. 
Godsent caffeine fix on a too early to be out weekend afternoon. 

And that's the next most fascinating thing to him other than coffee. :( I don't think he even registered the color of my blouse before that.

Very delish steak sandwich for him.

And my yumsters Eggs Benedict! See the creamy Hollandaise sauce!! 
It's making me hungry all over again. :( 
What I really liked was the chunky mashed potato; 
I am not a huge fan of the really puree versions, so this is a welcomed change.

And because greedy me couldn't decide, I made the boy order pancakes to share as well! :)

All in all a wonderfully lazy afternoon spent, I just wish the place banned screaming kids and running toddlers. Not a good experience to have to ignore noise pollution and inquisitive stares. 

Hokaysss now that I've finally attempted to do some sort of blogging, it's time to head back to photoshop. And yes! I will try to get some sort of preview up here over the weekend ok! Yingdan and I just got loads of goodies we can't wait to flaunt! Heehee! 

And before I forget, here's a plug for the lovely peeps at John 3:16
Flitted down on a random afternoon to buy a new camera and they were mad awesome! 
You know how some shops are just not that female friendly, especially when it comes to tech stuff?
None of that nonsense in here! I spent a very enjoyable 1 hour in the shop, fiddling with the camera/lens while getting a spectacular sales talk from Dan (and a good price from Sam after some cajoling). I think when you are prepared to spend a cool 4 digits on gadgets, good service just makes the experience so much better. :) Definitely my go-to place for camera needs now! 

Alrightyyy, happy Easter weekend y'all! Love! 

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