Thursday, August 11, 2011

USS and US! :D

okays... so this morning i am determined to blog. dear emails, please bear with me and grant me 30mins! :)

slightly more than 2 months ago, it was my birthday. and having just touched down from my Paris/Barcelona/Madrid trip (which is another story for another day!! ahhh!!) a mere 5 days before the actual day, I was quickly swept into rounds of celebration by the boy and friends. which included dinner at restaurants that whipped up all my favourite cuisines

Japanese at Kinki which had to-die-for-melt-in-your-mouth-but-oh-so-ridiculously-expensive foie gras and wagyu beef. went to gastronomy heaven and forgot to take outfit for the day. been slapping myself ever since. Italian at L'angolo who gave me a huge bottle of free peach. haha! Chinese dim sum with the parents at Red Star which is great comfort food. and Japanese again at this buffet place that serves sashimi slices thicker than your normal slice of bread. which i am going to selfishly keep as a secret. heehee!

and of cos who can forget birthday presents?! Prada, Chanel, Juicy Couture, Marc Jacobs, Dior among many others. thank you dear friends, you know who you are :)

so on the eve of my birthday, i lugged my overnight bag to the bf's house holding Fruit Loops Dress in Mint Green in my hand. he frowned at me and asked me not to wear a dress the next day. i thought he was gg to bring me to the beach (WTF?! i hate gg under the sun la!). and then he asked me not to wear slippers. i thought he was gg to bring me to the zoo (i dunno why, wtf to me).

the next morning we woke up to pattering sounds of raindrops on the window. i was secretly happy cos i don't have to smell animal poopoo. but the boy jumped out of bed and exclaimed "YOU THINK WE'RE GG TO THE ZOO RIGHT?" he then whipped out USS tickets to my immense bewilderment at how he can read my mind, and of course absolute glee and excitement. we then fell back to sleep cos of the rain. zzzZZzz

fast forward one month, you know how LP usually launch on Tuesday nights but there was one weird week abt one month back where we launched on a Wednesday instead? well USS happened :)

outfit for the day: Zara ice cream tee, Bershka denim shorts,hand painted shoes from dear SK!

and yes, the bf does not like to be in/take pictures. so i end up with shots with lots of strangers in the background.


more examples of how the bf doesn't like to be in pictures. it seems like i went alone. :(
and yes i wanted to be a princess with a huge crown but ended up with brain juice shooting outof my skull. fail max!

we were there from 12 till abt 8pm, and the bf got us express pass so we didn't have to queue (the 60 bucks is really worth it!) so we managed to take every single ride and watch every single show. i know, kiasu Singaporeans rocks! and that includes the Madagascar Tropical ride and Donkey Live Show which had me singing and clapping along while the bf buried his head in shame. teehee! and oh we chickened out of Battlestar Galactica CYLON cos... well, boys don't really like screaming. so rachie QQ, go with me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Betty Boop and her weird wig!

and finally!! proof that i didn't go USS alone!! my favourite character has got to be Puss in Boots. he attempted to lead me away from the boy. i wld have gladly went to Far Far Away land with him if not for the fact that i really dislike cats. meow!

I am a 叉骚包 and proud to be one!

ok finally a decent shot of us together. really enjoyed myself at USS all thanks to the boy who spoilt me silly and was game on all the kiddy happy things i wanted to do. megawatt smile!

ending off with a cheesy collage SK did for me. hahahhahaha!! byeBYE! *waves*

p/s: those gg USS, MUST go for Revenge of the Mummy ride. that's all i'm saying!

p/p/s: thank you dear SK for doing all my pictures for me!! you all can email her at for photography services!

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