Tuesday, February 1, 2011

bye bye 2010!


wow... it's been what? 2 months since my last entry.. i'm an epic failure as a 'blogger'. i wonder is it obvious to any reader out there who the writer is. as in, is it simin or yingdan this time round? it's really obvious to me cos simin writes in proper english with all her thought sorted into neat paragraphs while i just ramble any thought that comes to mind. so much so that Rachel always claim she wants to take English lessons from simin. bah.

alright, back to this entry. i know i'm sort of one month late but i need to sum up 2010. plus i always cheat and tell myself that if January was disappointing, the real new year starts after the Lunar New Year. heehee. so alrighty, my new year starts in 2 days! :D

2010 was an important year in many ways. i must say it was probably one of the better years i had in the past 7, 8 years or so. and that is saying something!

To cut the long story short (and yes i typed out long paragraphs for each month but figured nobody will read them)..

January, the year started well enough with me having a kungfu warrior attitude towards life..

February, i took a leap of faith and quit C*tibank to focus on our little blogshop in hopes that it will become a BIG bigger blogshop.

March, one of the most stressful batch of backorders due to uncooperative factories.

April, started launching self-manufactured items in every collection and driving myself nuts cause i now had to plan my spending to the very last cent.

May, he happened :)

June, one of the best birthdays i ever had. surrounded by family, friends, flowers

and Fred Perry!

July, impromptu mistress trip to Batam!

August, absence make the heart grows fonder

September, we nearly gave up somewhere here.

October, the worst month of the year with Rachel being away, losing all our photos for 3 collections, model problems and a flight response to bintan.

November, work work work and more work. hello office!

December, party

*very unfortunate event*


ok, that sort of sums up my year in bite size. i am thankful for many MANY people this year. To Simin and SK, god i feel like murdering the former at times but i think we are trying harder now to avoid marriage counselling. haha! and to 小孩, thank you for being a clown.

My family, especially my parents who have been immensely supportive of all decisions i make, who are always ready to help pack when they see me pulling my hair out and for putting up with my fiery temper when they shldn't even be subjected to it..

To my friends. Chrispy Creme, though we no longer see each other everyday, you girls mean so much to me i cannot imagine life without you girls. I know you all are always just a phone call away. Thank You!

To Cheryl and Co, for always tsking and shaking ur heads at all the wrong boys and to many years ahead of telling the same jokes over and over again... i can hardly wait!

To FY and dingding, I've been terrible terrible friend. I'm sorry! i know i always don't reply sms/msn/wa when i am buried in work but you all are the best thg that happened at sh*tibank. i seriously mean it when i say there isn't a single day in my new office that i don't miss you girls. i miss stealing ALL your food, and dang! i even miss the abuse. O.o

To the little noisy one, i have nothing else to say to you. polaroid, popcorn!

To my friends of 13 years, you will always hold a special place in my heart.

and to other friends who i hold close to heart but too random to group together, you know who you are and i love you.

To the lazy boy, more 3 buttons in the new year please?

and maybe lots of sashimi, yoghurt and scones :)

You've been good to me 2010, thank you!
2011 let's be friends, hopefully great friends.. ogays?! :D


  1. dear Ying Dan,

    here's wishing you and Simin a Happy New Year! ^^ I'm looking fwd to more self-manufactured designs from LP hehe.

    Ningxin (yr loyal customer ^^)

    PS. u and yr boy look so good together! =)

  2. Hello, just wanna ask where you got the dress from? the 2nd photo with u choosing art materials i guess. The grey bottom I meant (: Thanks !

  3. hey!

    I was actually wearing 2 separate pieces.. a coral tube inside n Old School Skirt from collection 32. hope this helps! :)
