Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The end of CNY

Heyyyho earthlings, I am suffering the repercussions of having over indulged myself during the CNY break. :(

One too many 5am nights and pineapple tarts, but yes, looks like I will be taking some time to ease myself back into the usual crazy schedule.

The (too short) CNY break was a very much needed one because we've been launching I-don't-know-how-many weeks continuously, it seems like my life was only about photoshoots and invoices. And now I keep thinking it is still the holidays and I can keep taking 5-day guilt free breaks. Boo. Sorry D, I will attempt to make it into office before 2pm for the next month. :(

Anywayyyy it was finally some fabulous time spent with the family and loved ones! Very glad to start re-introducing my face back in these group activities. Hopped over to the boyfriend's as well for some more festivities.

(I just realized I didn't take a single outfit shot this CNY. D: D: D: What is wrong with me!!)

And guess who!

Call me a noob but I've never seen the 财神爷 at these 舞狮 affairs! Everyone was queueing up to shake hands and grab an angbao each, teehee!

Lohei at SwingandSnap on 初七, full attendance minus Zacson who overslept (even though we were supposed to meet at 5pm.)!!! Photos are with SK, I only have the silly photobooth shots, which are enough of a joke:

We started nice and normal.

Then SK wormed her way in.

And we ended like this. All epic failures at 四连拍. :( 

My eternal regret this CNY, partaking in a miserable amount of gambling sessions and NO mahjong session at all. :(:(:(

Alright, time to head back to launch preparations! A very cute hanbok inspired design coming up next on LilyPirates, so keep your eyes peeled!

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