Monday, January 2, 2012

A new year

So yes. Everyone's been wondering why the LP girls fell off the surface of the earth again. Ohmgee, I don't know how the rest does it. I honestly can't find time to blog except during random moments like this. :(

Anyhow, it's two days into 2012, and everyone's sulking over work tomorrow (or at least that's what my FB status updates have been telling me all night). Haha this is going to be a NY resolutions post, so please stop reading if it gets too boring!

So here's my resolutions for the year, even though I know they are not going to last me past Feb:

#1: Read more
I used to be a fanatic when it came to reading, till I graduated and started working. Working life seems to have sapped all energy out of me, and I no longer take the time off to enjoy a book. It's saddening when the only time I finish a book properly is when I am on vacation (flight reads, anyone?). I was putting off buying more books because my shelves are honestly packed to the brim, but here's a new solution I fed myself with:

Hahaha, I hope it's not going to stay unboxed and lonely for most of 2012 before I find time to load books and start reading all over again.

#2: Eat less
And so, I got myself a Fitnesspal account. :x
And I've also started calorie counting, oh horror of horrors. But honestly, when you see the amount of junk you are putting into your body, you genuinely lose all appetite and eat less. Hahah I am just hoping I stay religious about this. I've horrible meal schedules (lunch at 3pm, dinner at 11pm) so it's something I really need to work on. And I need to quit my Milo addiction. One cup = 180 calories ok. Can die please.

#3: Be happy
I know this is extremely random, but I do think being happy takes effort.
Sure, you can bitch about your annoying enemies, or horrid experiences, but at the end of the day, it's really your call on whether you allow the negativity to hang around. So I say find someone sympathetic to bitch to, and move on with life after. Someone please remind me the next time I turn into a raging mess.

#4: Learn to let go
This has alot to do with the being happy part, but it goes deeper, on so many levels. Anyhow, on the 2nd last day of 2011, I did a little spring cleaning myself. I dug through my phonebook and called random friends whom I've been meaning to meetup with, or re-connect with, generally people that I felt apologetic about neglecting, or people I genuinely wanted to maintain relationships with. And for those who weren't too enthusiastic about things, I decided that it was high time to leave them in my past. I need to learn to recognize that some things change, and people just, well, move on. It's not good nor bad, it's just life.

#5: Work harder
This sounds a little crazed, since both of us are living lives revolving around LP, hahaha. It's just a self reminder to cut out things that don't value add, and stay true to ourselves despite being constantly bombarded with different issues. It has been an overwhelming year for the brand to say the least, but I know we need to work harder to be better. <3

I don't know if I can still remember these when March rolls around, but I will try. In the meantime, Bali in two days, but I need to conquer my photos and this coming launch first. :x Preview pictures up as soon as I can!

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